Not to contradict my last post at all, but there are some pros to plagiarism.  Not on the plagiarizers behalf, but on the plagiarized behalf.  As I grow up, I have learned that it is nice to be able to take pride in something and state "I did that, nobody else but me" in the rare instance that somebody can say that.  Bill Gates will step back one day and say to himself "I made the world a better place with my software, me alone" not necessarily that he did it on his own, but I'm sure most of us could confidently state that without Bill Gates, Microsoft wouldn't exist.  It is very good knowing that our ideas are protected, and their could be some heavy action against someone that doesn't ask our permission, or that doesn't acknowledge the work done.  

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    Hey Im Carlos

    This blog is where I get to talk about experiences and thoughts I've received during English Composition 1.  I hope you enjoy your time here!


    December 2013